Monday, 10 November 2008

Image Analysis

At the start of this course we did some image analysis.
Because this character is at the front and in the centre, it suggests that he is the main character
The Characters Are The Only things in the poster and draw us in
The Only Information Needed
This is a poster for Pirates Of The Caribbean. In this poster it contains all the title characters, the films name and logo. Above the film name it also has the logo for the company who are making the film. All of the characters are surrounded by mist. This brings up the connotations that the film could contain mystery and the unknown. The character at the front is carrying a sword, (and the other characters are seemingly getting their weapons) so this can bring up the connotation of violence that the film probably contains violence. The colours are quite dark which suggests that the film is quite a dark film so possibly not for the faint of heart. There is a text at the bottom of the poster in the centre which just says the date “In Theatres May 25”. This now gives the audience a date as to when the film will be in cinemas without saying it will be released then. This means the poster doesn’t have too many words obstructing the image or getting in the way of any of the characters present.
The camera angle is a medium shot, which only shows the characters waists and up. This avoids showing too much of the characters. If this had shown all of the characters bodies we may have been distracted or lost sight of it. Also it would mean it would need more mist to create a sense of mystery which could possibly overtake the poster.
The characters and the mist all contribute to the mise en scene. The characters do not overlap each other so we can see them all clearly. It also shows all of the main characters in the film, these are also the celebrities we recognise so that could get the reader to want to go and see the film. The mist only covers a bit of the characters which does show a sense of mystery but doesn’t take away attention from the characters which are the focal point of this image.

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