Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Website Analysis 2

This is the website for remember me. Genre wise it's similar to mine as one of the main theme's is romance. This website follows conventions as it has the title as the biggest text on the page. As it's in red it stands out from the rest of the background which is in black and white. The release date for the trailer is also in a bigger text than most of the text on the page but smaller than the title. The background image is the same image as is used for the poster for the film, but the trailer overlays it and takes up the majority of the page.
Following conventions the social networking links are on the page but instead of being on the bottom of the page as is conventions, they are on the right side of the page.
Following conventions it has links to the story and gallery as fans or audiences would want to know about that if they are going to see the film.
The stars names are also listed on this poster which isn't done on the kick-ass website. This is a convention that is often done if your film features well known names. As the main star in this is robert pattinson then his name will be on there as he's a reason to watch the film. As my film has unknowns in it, i do not add the actors' names on mine, only in the billing box.

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