Friday, 12 December 2008

Evaluation - DRAFT

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My front cover develops some conventional magazine cover ideas. Like most magazine covers it has the masthead at the top of the page in a bigger font than the rest of the text on the page. I also have a strapline underneath it which is another conventional idea. As I have both of these in different fonts I am developing media conventions. Another conventional thing to do is to have cover lines on the front cover. My cover lines and kickers are in a different font from my masthead and my strapline. This is done a lot in magazines, using 3 or 4 fonts for their front cover. I also have a model on the front of my magazine cover, as she is not a well known model I have not named her. Magazines name all models that are on their front cover and often have an article about them inside the magazine. I do not do that so my magazine challenges conventional magazine ideas. Another way I develop conventional media ideas is by having a dateline on my magazine; my dateline is just the month and year so this shows that my magazine is a monthly magazine.

Another way I challenge conventional magazine ideas is by not having a barcode or a price. This is because my magazine is a school magazine and it is rare for a school magazine to have a barcode. Also school magazine often don’t have a price on them. That is why mine does not have them and is why I am challenging conventional media ideas.

On my contents page I develop conventional media ideas by having my cover stories listed under a heading cover stories and also having a section for my regulars. I also have images which can be a conventional thing to do. A non conventional thing to do is have no text to describe my stories or cover lines. All I have to describe my stories are the images, I also only mention my cover stories and regulars, I do not mention any other articles which are in my magazine. That is an unconventional thing to do. I do not have text because I think the cover story title and picture explain enough as is, and I do not have the rest of the articles in my magazine listed because, although they are important, this issue of the magazine is about the cover stories and the regulars, they are the main thing in my magazine so the only thing that are mentioned on my TOC.
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
The font for my masthead and strapline are both different forms of an urban style font, but my cover lines and model show a more professional look, so my cover appeals to many different social group. Because of the articles on my magazine cover and the model it is appealing at 6th form students, probably those in a high achieving 6th form because she is dressed smart.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The school my magazine is for would be the school which would distribute my magazine, because my magazine IS a school magazine. Because it is about a specific school, that school will distribute most copies. This magazine may also be distributed at other schools, mainly aimed at children in year’s 6 and year 11 because they are looking for a new school so may want to know about what is happening in that school so would want read a magazine about it.

Who would be the audience for your media product?
My audience would primarily be the students in the school my magazine is made for, especially those in sixth form. It would also be aimed at students in different schools who want to find out more about this school, so this magazine needs to appeal to students ranged from 11-18, mainly those aged 16-18.
How did you attract/address your audience
Some of my cover stories are aimed at people who are in the school “What not to wear”. This is aimed at my target audience of 16-18 because it is talking about the dress code which they all have to follow. My other cover stories “Too much homework” and “Free time” are aimed at all students, which is my audience of 11-18. My magazine addresses my target audience of 11-18 by mentioning events happening at the school. This can be shown by my regular called “Events”. It also shows addresses that target audience by showing them what is happening in their school at the moment “Latest News”. It further attracts my target audience by having regulars “Letters” and “advice corner” because it gives them a chance to voice their opinion and also to see what other people, like them, are saying.

1 comment:

William Lau said...


In what publications is it common to have coverlines? Do all magazines have coverlines? Do some have just 1 coverline? Do others have more? Which do yours conform towards?

Which magazines name their models on the covers? Fashion? Beauty? Teen? Car? Music? Sports? Gadget?

In TOC, when is it conventional to just use pictures? What types of magazines use this?

Aside from these prompts. An excellent evaluation. Good use of quotations in the last question.

Well done.